Cell phones have recently become a very important part of many people's lives. A lot of people who have had a cell phone for a while cannot imagine life without it. Though there was a time where a cell phone was not a necessity, those days have come and gone, and now your cell phone is something that helps make your life much easier than if you did not have one. With as important as cell phones are to so many people, it is somewhat surprising that so many people do not actually know very much when it comes to their cell phone batteries.
Being that so few people take the time to figure out how to get the most out of their cell phone and cell phone battery, it could potentially cause a problem while you are out and about and you really need to get a hold of somebody. Here are a few tips when it comes to your battery.
Reconditioned Tool
When purchasing a new battery, make sure that you purchase the battery from the manufacturer that made your phone. Do your research so that you know what battery it is that you need for your particular cell phone. Never purchase a reconditioned battery as they usually don't hold a charge for very long at all compared to a new one. A reconditioned battery has the ability to cause a lot of problems to your cell phone, including damaging it. If you are having trouble finding a cell phone battery for your particular phone, just visit the manufacturers website and you should easily and quickly be able to find the one that you need.
Another useful tidbit about your battery is if it is a lithium on battery make sure that you keep it away from other metals. If the lithium ion does come into direct contact with the wrong metal it could make your battery defective. Very warm conditions and very cold conditions can also cause plenty of problems to your battery, so be sure to keep it at the right temperature. Another thing that most people probably know is that your cell phone cannot get wet. It is not unheard of for a cell phone battery to get a tiny drop of water on it and for it to in turn become defective.
Finally, it is important that when you are done with a used battery, that you dispose of it properly. Do not crush your battery, and also do not throw it into a fire. Though you might think your battery is dead, it still has the potential to be a dangerous item, if disposed of improperly.