You have probably asked yourself numerous times, are refurbished or reconditioned tools as reliable as if you were to buy a new tool . If you decide to buy a reconditioned tool you need to realize that it is a tool that was sent back to the manufacturer because of a cosmetic defect, operating defect or warranty repair. There could possibly be other reasons for the tool being returned but those are 95% of all returns. You will want to know what the benefits of purchasing a reconditioned power tool is to you. The best part is that the faulty tool was returned and it was then rebuilt using all new parts and then sold at a discount. How much of a discount you might ask. For an example you might purchase a drill new for 9.99 that has a bag, charger & 1 battery. You can buy the same drill that has been refurbished or reconditioned for 9.99 that has a bag, charger and 2 batteries. That figures out to be a 35% savings for basically the same tool. Better yet both tools are completely covered by the full manufacture warranty. So in comes down to the answer to the first question is it better to buy reconditioned power tools, the answer is yes it is better.
You might have an old tool that you want to have repaired instead of putting out the money for a new or reconditioned tool. You will more than likely in most situations discover that it is cheaper to purchase the reconditioned one. The reason for that being repairing tools is not cheap by any means. You will be paying an hourly wage plus parts for the repair. Plus you will be waiting days if not weeks for the power tool to be repaired. This is stopping the progress of your project. There is also a lot of moving parts on your old tool that will more than likely need to be replaced sooner more than later because of the parts that were put in when you had it repaired. It could have you back at the repair shop every week. This really puts all of your projects in a bind. There is going to be a waiting period for parts on most of the repairs. I think will clear up any doubts you might of had about purchasing a reconditioned power tool.
Reconditioned Tool
Glancing thru some of the trades magazines you will discover an abundance of power tools for sale. As part of the advertising and the image that the manufacturer is trying to get across you will mostly large men with huge muscles using the tool they are selling. You don't need to worry about needing the large muscles to use the power tools of today. Time have changed. It doesn't make any difference if you sit behind a desk all day and only weigh 90 lbs you can still operate the power tools of today. In order for you to purchase a power tool you first need to know how to use the tool and what you are going to use it for. In other words you not purchase a power drill when all you need is a larger drill bit.